Masaryk University´s Sustainability Strategy

In accordance with its Strategic Plan 2021-2028 and with the support of a project from the National Renewal Plan, Masaryk University is developing its comprehensive strategy for sustainable development. The strategy will be developed over the course of 2024 and is divided into 4 pillars - Teaching and Education; Research and Doctoral Studies; Internal Culture and Social Contribution Activities; and Sustainable Institution. In 2025, this will be followed by the creation of sub-strategies for the sustainability of individual MU faculties and institutes. Join us by submitting a suggestion for a name or motto for the emerging strategy, or by contributing a suggestion for what should appear in it!

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Structure of the MU Sustainable Development Strategy

The MU Sustainable Development Strategy refines and further develops the sustainability themes declared in the Masaryk University Strategic Plan 2021-2028, thus ensuring its feasibility and assigning clear responsibility for its implementation.

MU´s Strategic Plan

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Sustainable Teaching and Education

In its current strategic plan, Masaryk University has set a vision to become by 2028 an inspiring community that contributes to the Sustainable Development Goals through its principles and everyday actions, guiding its students and staff accordingly, and a university where education and science transcend the boundaries of individual disciplines by promoting interdisciplinarity and personalisation of studies, the creation of interdisciplinary research teams and synergies between departments. Every graduate of the university identified with this responsible internal culture perceives trends and problems in society, can think about them and formulate their own attitudes, is not indifferent to the surrounding events, understands the issues of social responsibility and sustainable development, and is interested in being an active citizen striving for positive development in society.

Sustainable Research and Doctoral Studies

The aim of Masaryk University is to contribute to solving existing scientific challenges and societal problems at the regional, national and global level. MU research teams are working in many areas related to the key topic of sustainability and addressing its environmental, economic, health, social and safety aspects.

In its current strategic plan, MU directly aims to contribute to solving global and local challenges through basic and applied research and the application of its results in society in the areas of health and quality of life, education, historical and cultural heritage, sustainable development, technological progress, security, rights and equality in society.

Internal Culture and Social Contribution Activities

The mission of Masaryk University is to contribute through its scientific activities, education of students and social action to the quality and healthy life of all generations and to a free, cohesive and secure society. Since its foundation, Masaryk University has always respected and professed the democratic values of a free republic. These values still form the basis of its internal culture and are widely shared by the University's academic community. These values are respect, freedom and responsibility. Responsibility, emphasising the University's role as a co-creator of public opinion, a solver of local and societal issues and a provider of public service open to all. Individual responsibility of students and staff, reflected in respect for university rules and belonging to the university. We encourage volunteering and student involvement, including support for student clubs.

Sustainable Institution

To sustainably and responsibly manage the renewal, development and construction of the university infrastructure and the acquisition of related technologies and equipment in order to ensure adequate functional facilities for excellent research and quality teaching as well as a pleasant environment for students and staff is one of the strategic goals of MU for the period 2021-2028.Similarly, it is also a strategic goal to manage energy resources, water and waste in accordance with the principles of sustainable development and to strengthen the informed management of the university's operations to enable efficient use of the built facilities and property management. We support employee awareness and involvement in issues of social responsibility and sustainable development, promote equal opportunities, and set a personal example. We are streamlining and computerising processes, moving towards a paperless university.

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