4. Sustainable Institution
As a prestigious employer, Masaryk University sets an example with its open and non-discriminatory HR policy, which is the basis for a motivational environment that inspires and rewards employees, increases their involvement in sustainability and supports their individual development and career growth.
Masaryk University will strengthen its position as a leader of computerization not only in the academic environment, move towards a paperless institution, be a strategic partner in the field of cybersecurity and actively participate in the development of the information society.
Masaryk University will strive to reduce its environmental footprint by systematically streamlining the governance of the institution, ensuring that all university roles are fulfilled through responsible development, operation and management of resources.
Sub-priorities of Sustainable institution
To make the University's operations more efficient through the computerization and optimization of processes, supported by the collection of relevant data, while increasing user comfort and maintaining a high level of information systems security.
Develop and implement sub-strategies for responsible operation and management of resources and ensure the establishment of sustainability principles in other areas of the institution.
Primarily developed UN Sustainable Development Goals
Relevant objectives and measures from the MU 2021-2028 Strategic Plan
Objective 4.2: Create a motivating environment by rewarding high-quality and exceptional work results, providing equal opportunities and conditions for individual development and career growth of employees, as well as supporting a work -life balance.
Objective 5.2: Strengthen the competencies and position of the university as a strategic partner in cybersecurity and actively participate in the development of an information society.
Objective 6.2: Manage the renewal, development and construction of university infrastructure in a sustainable and responsible manner.
Objective 6.3: In accordance with the principles of sustainable development, manage energy resources, water and waste and strengthen informed management enabling the efficient use of the built premises as well as property management.
Measures for Sustainable Institution
Retention of the HR Excellence in Research Award by individual parts of the University. / Introduction of preventive tools to avoid unwanted behaviour as well as tools to help in case of occurrence. / Application of existing tools to support the partial involvement, and subsequent full return, of parents caring for children or close relatives in working life (flexible forms of PPV, flexible working hours, home office, job sharing). / Support for the operation of children's groups or kindergartens. / Strengthening the perception of work ethics and conduct of all employees as part of personal integrity, information and methodological measures in this area, including legal service. / Implementation of advanced technologies, including artificial intelligence (AI)-based technologies, to mine data from the University's information systems for decision-making at all levels of management. / Continuation of the full computerisation of processes in accordance with the requirements of legal and internal regulations in all relevant agendas, including economic and personnel administration, management of receivables and payables, legal proceedings, etc. / IT support for the transformation of the filing service into a fully electronic form. / Implementation of the principles of the Single Digital Gateway according to Regulation (EU) 2018/1724 and the right to digital service according to Act No. 12/2020 Coll. into IT tools for communication with applicants, students, employees and the public. / Coordinated development of tools for full computerization of legal proceedings, development and implementation of tools for electronic proceedings. / Providing access to data for different users and decision-making levels in a user-friendly format with appropriate software support. / Strengthening cooperation with ... other national and international bodies and organisations in the field of cyber security and cyber defence. / Develop and implement strategies for energy, water and waste management. / Systemic measures for water conservation, rainwater harvesting and increasing the share of grey water use. / Expansion and optimization of the CAFM system for the efficient operation of university buildings, including occupancy management. / Implementing active energy management of infrastructure to enhance its efficient use. / Develop and implement an energy management strategy. / Introducing systemic measures to increase the share of RES use. / Develop clear principles for efficient and responsible energy management and motivate students and staff to comply with them. / Reducing the energy consumption of buildings and modernising related technological equipment. / Monitoring the University's carbon and overall environmental footprint and taking action to reduce it. / Cultivating the university environment by increasing the proportion of green spaces and increasing the availability of clean transport. / Development of the external environment of the university campus and incorporation of green areas for active use into the existing campus. / Completion of the necessary barrier-free access to university buildings, including relevant internal modifications. / Optimisation of the scope and quality of services provided by the MU Halls of Residence and Canteens Administration in the area of accommodation and catering, leading to the achievement of the expected standard. / Implementation and development of the MU BMS and related methodologies within the framework of capital construction and repair works in university buildings. / Using BIM data to optimize complex facility management.
Click below for more details on what we are already doing to make the University sustainable.
Inspire others and lead by example! Write to us with your suggestions and recommendations for the title or motto of the MU Sustainable Development Strategy or what should definitely appear in the strategy: