The aim of the internal competition is to transparently support the implementation of sustainable and socially responsible projects that fulfil and promote the social role of Masaryk University, are internally and externally transferable and support cooperation between students and employees.

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How to start?

Submitting a project to the ComMUNIty Fund is not difficult!

Submission is done completely electronically via the Information System for Project Evidence (ISEP) - from 31 January 2025 here - and you can do it very quickly - read on.

If you have any questions, just ask!

What do we support? (these are just frames, it is not necessary to choose one)

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Objective 3.1 Sustainable Masaryk University strategy


Together create conditions and opportunities for a cohesive and inspiring university community sharing common values in sustainability -

"KNOW", "ACT" and "INSPIRE" measures

Examples of projects -

  • Promotion of the themes and intentions of the Sustainable Masaryk University strategy inside the university, especially to students - effective forms of communication for this target group - ("KNOW")
  • Development of tools for familiarizing employees and students with the concepts of sustainable development at MU ("ACT")
  • Creation of activities/rules to promote sustainability in events ("INSPIRE")
  • Designing sustainable promotional items ("INSPIRE")
  • Promote healthy lifestyle and well-being through physical and mental health initiatives ("INSPIRE")
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Objective 3.2 Sustainable Masaryk University strategy


To create an exemplary community in the area of sustainability, actively using its expertise to make a society-wide impact –

measure TRANSFER

Examples of projects -

  • Supporting innovation in established sustainability education and dissemination activities open to the general public („TRANSFER“)

Call for proposals

General information


Call for proposals allocation: 1 mil. CZK
Maximum amount of eligible funds: 100 thous. CZK
Minimum amount of eligible funds: 50 thous. CZK
Eligible beneficiary: Student or group of students with the MU employee as a co-implementator
Form of financing: ex-ante with clearing
Project collection period: 31 January 2025 - 31 March 2025
Eligible implementation period: 1 May 2025 - 31 December 2025
Essentials of the project proposal

The project proposal must have the following content (according to the structure given in ISEP):

  • Project title
  • Proposer - MU student at any level and form of study (bachelor, master, doctoral student; full-time or combined; in Czech and English study programmes);
  • Brief annotation (max. 500 characters)
  • Guarantor - an MU employee who will act as the obligatory co-implementator of the project. The guarantor is responsible for managing the project contract, communication within MU with the involved departments, and is co-responsible for ensuring that all involved departments agree to the implementation of the project. The proposer of a project cannot also be its guarantor.
  • Project description (max. 5 000 characters):
    • Description of the usefulness, justification of the need for the project, highlighting the added value;
    • definition of the target group, benefits for the target group;
    • definition of objectives and outputs, how they will be achieved;
    • indicative timetable;
    • communication and transfer of outputs within the university;
    • short analysis of the main risks;
    • description of the work activities of the persons involved in the project (a list of their names will then be provided under the People tab);
    • an indication of the faculties and other departments involved.
  • Motivation of the researcher - expression of the student's involvement in the issue, motives leading to the implementation of the project, or continuity with already implemented projects and initiatives within the study or at the relevant MU department
  • Durability (max. 2,000 characters) - description of ensuring the durability of the project activities, including quantification of the costs of maintaining the activities in the following years - emphasis is placed on the long-term sustainability of the project outputs.
  • Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs) - selection of the relevant goal and option
  • Project budget according to the established binding structure (see chapter 3.1) and specification of the use of the planned funds (max. 4 000 characters). The budget is planned for each calendar year separately.
  • Name list of project co-implementators, if known at the time of submission of the project proposal (in ISEP, People tab, indicate as Implementation Team Member or Administrator). If the list of names is not known, the project promoter shall indicate in the project description the expected number of persons involved and persons paid by the project. The project guaranter is responsible for ensuring that all co-principal investigators are informed of and agree to the planned involvement of their person in the project.
  • Attachments - Additional relevant attachments or information may be added on the Documents tab at the discretion of the investigator.

The project budget is set at a minimum of CZK 50 000 and a maximum of CZK 100 000 in total, in the following binding structure:


Total personnel costs


Labour costs (salaries including bonuses)


Work Performance Agreements (WPA)


Employment contracts (FTE)


Statutory contributions (social security, health insurance and social fund contributions)


Other costs


Scholarships [1]


Travel costs (domestic only, including conference fees)


Material consumption (consumables including small tangible assets)





Funds can be transferred between years during project implementation. Transfers between budget lines are also possible. Any changes to the budget must be consistent with the achievement of the project's outputs. Any changes made will be described and justified in the final project report.

The following costs cannot be planned (and paid) in the project :
- overheads
- economic activity - commercial nature of outputs, profit making
- refreshments and catering
- other non-tax deductible costs (consult the EO if unclear).

VAT treatment - no deduction.

[1] If a scholarship is planned in the project, it is necessary to follow the parameters based on the Higher Education Act (§ 91) and the Masaryk University Scholarship Regulations. The scholarship is a reward for the creative or extraordinary activity of students, i.e. it does not cover situations for which an employment relationship is otherwise agreed (e.g. FTE, WPA). The scholarship must not be awarded as a compensation for an activity that can be qualified as dependent work.

Other rules

Project implementation is governed by applicable laws, the Masaryk University Guidelines for Project Management (No. 6/2016) as amended and related valid internal standards of Masaryk University or the Faculty/HS.

All actions related to the use of allocated funds are subject to the financial control rules applicable at Masaryk University. Responsible persons are determined according to the financial control rules.

The funds for the individual projects are recorded in a separate contract with activity 1182 and must be drawn down by 31 December 2025; an extension of implementation is not possible.

The project implementator and the guarantor are responsible for the implementation of the project according to the established rules and the registration of the project in ISEP.

One student can be the proposer/implementator of only one project in a given call. This provision does not apply to the project guarantor.

The MU employee who acts as the project guarantor is always the financial disposer.

If the project is implemented at several faculties or other HS, the project implementator is responsible for the project as a whole and is responsible for ensuring that all HS and departments involved are informed about the project and agree to its implementation (interaction and communication within MU is ensured by the project guarantor). The consenting opinion of the involved economical unit will be documented by a project proposal guide in ISEP approved by all economical units concerned. 

The implementator is obliged to properly implement the project within the approved budget, in accordance with the defined objectives and deliverables, to comply with the set conditions, and to use the provided funds economically, efficiently and effectively.

Changes in the course of the project shall be consulted individually with the project guarantor. In the event of a change that may significantly affect the implementation of the project, the project implementator shall immediately inform the contact person at the RMU Development Department.

At the end of the project implementation, the implementator is obliged to prepare a final report on the project results. The final report will contain a description of the results of the project with comments on the changes in the project and the implementation of the individual budget items, including an accounting of the funds provided. The final report form and collection will be done in ISEP (separate Final Report tab). The final report will be prepared by the end of the month following the end of the physical implementation of the project, i.e. by 31 January 2026 at the latest. 

Masaryk University is entitled to check the use of the allocated funds at any time during the project implementation and to invite the researchers to present the results achieved.

All outputs funded by the Community Fund project must bear the Masaryk University logo or information about the source of funding and be produced according to the valid unified visual style of the University (


The evaluation process

The process of screening and evaluation of project proposals is carried out in the following stages:

  • Phase 1: Check for formalities and compliance with the call rules
  • Phase 2: Assessment by the expert evaluation committee
  • Phase 3: Final selection of projects

The selection of projects for implementation is decided by an evaluation committee appointed by the Rector.

The expert evaluation committee is composed of representatives of the MU management, managers and employees of the RMU departments concerned.

The final selection of projects for implementation is ensured by designated representatives of MU management and the AS Student Chamber.

The list of supported projects will be published on the website no later than 20 April 2025.

The criteria for evaluation are, in particular:

  1. Compliance of the project content with the Call for proposals rules - a project that does not meet these basic criteria will not proceed to further evaluation;
  2. the social contribution of the project;
  3. the extent of the impact on the life of the University;
  4. the feasibility of meeting the project's stated objectives;
  5. the effectiveness and adequacy of the requested funds; the efficiency of the planned expenditure in relation to the content of the project and the scope of activities;
  6. ensuring the durability of the project activities and costing;
  7. the overall quality and readiness of the project.

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ComMUNIty fund - contact persons at faculties and other economic units (HS)

Contact person
Faculty of Medicine
Mgr. Tomáš Chládek 549 49 5253
Faculty of Science
Ing. Jitka Kosinová 549 49 3702
Faculty of Education
Mgr. Jana Jančíková 549 49 3949
Pharmaceutical Faculty
Ing. Richard Heger, Ph.D. 774 277 985
Faculty of Arts
Mgr. Jakub Zeman 549 49 1506
Faculty of Social Studies
Ondřej Folta 549 49 3318
Faculty of Economy and Administration
Mgr. Veronika Kandelová 549 49 6730
Faculty of Law
Ing. Iva Šťastná 549 49 6082
Faculty of Informatics
Mgr. Pavla Bergerová 549 49 4008
Faculty of Sports
Mgr. Roman Drga 549 49 3587
CEITEC Ing. Kateřina Ornerová, Ph.D. 549 49 6056
Teiresias Bc. Aleš Moravec 549 49 1119
Centre for Information Technologies
Ing. Jana Rozhonová 549 49 3588

Linking the Fund to the MU Strategic Plan 2021-2028

Strategic goal 3.3

  • Support altruistic initiatives initiated by students and staff aimed at the public through an open environment to help those in need, by developing association activities and by volunteering.
  • Strategic goal 3.5

  • To strengthen the belonging of students, staff and alumni to the University and to form a University community sharing common values as a prerequisite for fulfilling all University roles.


  • Creating a fund managing finances for socially beneficial activities and setting rules to support specific projects initiated by students and staff.
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Supported projects of the 2022 ComMUNIty Fund call for proposals

Information on the projects supported in the 1st year of the ComMUNIty Fund can be found HERE. Applicants can find details on the evaluation of all projects (supported and unsupported) under the evaluation tab of their project in the ISEP system.

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