MU Sustainable Development Council

The Masaryk University Sustainable Development Council is an advisory, initiating and coordinating body of the Rector in matters of social responsibility and sustainable development of Masaryk University.

What the Council discusses

  • suggestions submitted to it by the Rector or the Chair of the Council;
  • MU Annual Sustainability Report;
  • discusses and, through the Chair, submits to the MU Rector for approval the University's sub-strategies in the field of sustainable development and social responsibility, including any communication of these strategies outside the MU environment;
  • medium and long-term priorities for MU's development in the field of sustainable development and social responsibility.

Show meeting minutes

Members of the Council

Management of MU

Faculties and Departments




Faculty of Law

doc. Ing. Eva Tomášková, Ph.D.

Ing. Blanka Přikrylová

Faculty of Medicine

prof. MUDr. Petr Štourač, Ph.D., MBA

Ing. Jitka Blažková

Faculty of Science

RNDr. Mgr. Michal Bittner, Ph. D.


Faculty of Arts

doc. Mgr. Irena Radová, Ph.D.

PhDr. Petr Škyřík, Ph.D.

Faculty of Education

doc. PhDr. Mgr. Simona Koryčánková, Ph.D.,


Faculty of Pharmacy

PharmDr. Jakub Treml, Ph.D.


Faculty of Economics and Administration

doc. Ing. Mgr. Jana Soukopová, Ph.D.


Faculty of Informatics



Faculty of Social Studies

doc. RNDr. Jan Činčera, Ph.D.

Mgr. Eva Fraňková, Ph.D.

Faculty of Sports Studies

doc. PaedDr. Emanuel Hurych, Ph.D



Mgr. Nikola Kostlánová, Ph.D.


Student Chamber of the MU Academic Senate

Mgr. David Novák

Mgr. Tomáš Brom

Institute of Computer Science

Mgr. Vojtěch Přibyla, MBA


Teiresias Centre

Ing. Boris Janča


Rector's Office

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