as one of the four pillars of sustainability at MU
The mission of Masaryk University is to contribute through its scientific activities, student education and social activities to the high quality and healthy life of all generations, and to a free, cohesive and secure society.
Since its founding, Masaryk University has always respected and professed the democratic values of a Free Republic. To this day these values have formed the basis of its internal culture and are widely shared by the university’s academic community. These values are: Respect, Freedom and Responsibility.
Freedom, respected and defended as a social imperative. Also, freedom as a principle of internal organisation of the university in the form of academic freedom of teaching and research or freedom of choice of students’ own curriculum profile, but also as a principle of institutional autonomy of the university vis-à-vis the state.
Vision 2028
In its current strategic plan, Masaryk University has set itself the vision of becoming one by 2028:
- inspiring community which, in its principles and daily activities, fully respects and fulfils the principles of social responsibility and contributes to meeting the Sustainable Development Goals, in accordance with which it leads its students and employees.
- A university where education and science transcend the boundaries of individual disciplines, as it supports interdisciplinarity and the personalisation of studies, the creation of interdisciplinary research teams and synergies between workplaces.
Profile of a Masaryk University Graduate
Any Masaryk University graduate identified with this responsible internal culture perceives trends and problems in society, can think about them and formulate their own attitudes, is engaged in events around them, understands issues of social responsibility and sustainable development, and wishes to be an active citizen striving to change society for the better.
Our Main Topics
Responsible curriculum
The theme of sustainable development and social responsibility permeates a significant number of study programmes, including interdisciplinary ones, and is also reflected in the common university curiculum. The issue of responsible curriculum has been discussed at the meetings of the Masaryk University Sustainable Development Council in accordance with the University's commitment in the MU Strategic Plan 2021-2028.
Lifelong Learning, Summer Schools, Specialized Programmes
By 2028, Masaryk University aims for a systematised new offer of all possibilities of lifelong learning available on the university websitestructured according to the typical needs of potential applicants(combined and distance degree programmes for studying while employed, short career-oriented programmes for changes in qualifications, online courses for acquiring specific skills, etc.)
Inclusion in Education
One of MU's core values is respect. Respect as the basis of internal culture, mutual respect, solidarity and partnership in all dealings. Respect for the principles of equality of opportunity and transparency.
Competence development (to students/staff)
Masaryk University has long been striving to develop the quality of teaching and education. One of the tools used for this purpose is the Pedagogical Competence Development Centre (CERPEK). CERPEK aims to systematically raise the level of pedagogical competences, especially of beginning university teachers.
Pillars of Sustainability at Masaryk University
Education is one of the four pillars of sustainability at MU. Other areas of focus are science and research, University environment and social responsibility.
Science & Research Education University Environment Social Responsibility