Waste & recycling
Masaryk University is aware of the negative impacts of the waste generated and therefore strives to follow the global tendency to ensure circularity and life cycle tracking of all goods, not least by minimizing waste production itself and increasing the share of recycled waste.

Masaryk University Strategy for Sustainable Waste Management and Waste Prevention 2023-2028
Weight of MU´s waste in tonnes
Composition of MU´s waste in 2023

How to sort waste at MU?
Implementation and plans at MUNI
We implement
In 2016, when Masaryk University signed a Memorandum of Cooperation with the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, it subscribed to the principles of socially responsible public procurement. Since then, MU has strived to apply not only economic, but also social and environmental aspects in its tenders. These principles were also applied in the preparation of the new tender for waste management service providers.
See more in the case study published on the website of the project of the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs as an example of good practice.
SKM is trying to reduce the amount of packaging and use returnable options as part of its waste reduction efforts. A tender for a new supplier of recyclable menu boxes is planned. Residents have the option of taking food from the canteen in their own containers.
Sustainability and Cirularity Institute (SCI)
SCI is an academic workplace and scientific research platform of Masaryk University scientists, working at the Faculty of Economics and Administration under the leadership of the Director, Associate Professor Jana Soukopová. It focuses on innovative and environmental management, its mission is professional support and research in the field of transformation of the Czech Republic to a circular economy. In cooperation with experts from SCI, an internal audit of the University's waste management was carried out in 2021, the outputs of which will be reflected in future waste measures towards sustainability.
Implementation of the MU´s Waste Management Strategy
Waste disposal
To process waste, Masaryk University uses the services of FCC Česká republika, s.r.o., which ensures its proper disposal (mostly separation or incineration) and recycling according to the latest available technologies (including, for example, incineration of non-recyclable waste with simultaneous production of heat and electricity).
Saving paper
The uniqueness of the complex information system provides Masaryk University with a strong base for advanced computerization of as many administrative agendas as possible and the related savings in paper and financial resources that can be allocated more efficiently.
Reducing food waste
In Europe, over 100 kg of food is wasted per person per year. In the Czech Republic, most food ends up in the bin from people under 29. It is therefore advisable to target students with responsible education during their studies and their stay in the dormitories.
In 2020, a new mobile and web application MobilKredit / WebKredit was launched, through which you can flexibly order or cancel meals in the university canteens. The purpose of the introduction of the ordering system is not only to improve the quality of the food ordered, but also to reduce waste and prevent unnecessary waste.
Get inspired
Find inspiration in the projects of your colleagues or classmates. Together, let's create a more sustainable environment, not only on campus.
Practical tips for everyone
Consider the life cycle of all your stuff
Every new item will end up as waste in the future. Before you buy any new item, think about how it will be used and whether there is an alternative available to extend its life cycle.
For example, when buying beverages, it is possible to calculate the subsequent use of the packaging not only for refills for drinking, but also for food storage in the home, watering flowers, etc.
Reduce food waste
Improve the European average (over 100 kg of wasted food per person per year) of food waste by using the mobile and web app MobilKredit / WebKredit. You can order food flexibly through it in the university canteens.
Our objectives
In its long-term strategic plan for the years 2021-2028, Masaryk University is committed to sustainable development in the field of energy management with the following goals and measures.
Main strategic objective
- In accordance with the principles of sustainable development, manage energy resources, water and waste and strengthen informed management enabling the efficient use of the built premises as well as property management.
Key results
- Energy, water and waste management strategies implemented and their measurable effects
- Creation and implementation of strategies for energy, water and waste management.
- Implementation of systemic measures to reduce the volume of non recyclable waste produced, to increase the share renewable energy sources used, for saving water, the use of rainwater and
the use of grey water
- Establishing a training system for employees and students for the efficient and environmentally responsible operation of the university
Share your experience
Inspire others. Write to us about your projects or experiences with sustainable waste management at your faculty or workplace.