Masaryk University Responsible Public Purchasing Strategy 2023-2028
The Responsible Purchasing Strategy elaborates or builds on the following strategic objectives:
6.2 Sustainably and responsibly manage the renewal, development and construction of the University's infrastructure and the acquisition of related technologies and equipment in order to provide adequate functional facilities for excellent research and quality teaching as well as a welcoming environment for students and staff.
6.3 To manage energy, water and waste resources in accordance with the principles of sustainable development and to strengthen informed management of the University's operations to enable efficient use of built facilities and management of assets.
Masaryk University Responsible Public Purchasing Strategy for 2023-2028
This strategy has been developed to ensure that all employees involved in the preparation and implementation of public purchases of goods, services and works within Masaryk University (hereafter referred to as "public purchases") routinely consider how we can contribute through our purchasing decisions to the quality and health of life for all generations, to the protection of the environment and to a free, cohesive and safe society.
Responsible purchasing is the acquisition of goods, services or works that:
- meets the needs of users,
- delivers long-term value for money,
- maximises social and economic benefits,
- minimises negative impacts on society, the environment and human health.
The full text of the strategy can be found below.
Goals and Measures
Goal 1 Communication and cooperation
1.1 Promote collaboration between MU internal teams, communication with suppliers and partner organisations aimed at raising awareness of sustainability, especially in the area of public purchasing.
1.2 Encourage forms of cooperation with suppliers prior to the launch of tenders, such as pre-market consultations and presentation of purchasing plans.
1.3 Encourage collaboration with experts in sub-areas of purchases being made or planned.
Goal 2 Reducing the administrative burden of purchasing
2.1 Promote the use of standardised terms of reference. Promote the use of contractual standards.
2.2 Promote digitisation and automation.
Goal 3 Promoting decent and fair conditions in the supply chain
3.1 Require compliance with the conditions of legal employment.
3.2 Require strict compliance with the prohibition of child and forced labour.
3.3 Demand safe and decent working conditions throughout the supply chain.
3.4 Demand decent and equal pay for work.
3.5 Encourage the purchase of Fairtrade, TCO or similarly certified products.
3.6 Promote access for social enterprises, micro, small and medium-sized enterprises.
3.7 Support suppliers of local products.
3.8 Demand fair treatment of subcontractors, including timely payments.
Goal 4 Preference for environmentally friendly solutions
4.1 Promote an orientation towards a circular economy (in particular the durability and recyclability of products, the use of secondary raw materials).
4.2 Encourage the reduction of packaging associated with the products purchased.
4.3 Promote waste reduction and efficient waste management in the supply chain.
4.4 Promote the application of sustainable building principles in the planning and implementation of university infrastructure.
4.5 Promote the acquisition of energy efficient equipment
4.6 Promote the measurement and reduction of the carbon footprint.
Goal 5 Quality-focused shopping
5.1 Promote the use of qualitative evaluation criteria and the consideration of life cycle costs.
5.2 Promote the use of advanced purchasing methods and innovative approaches to public procurement.
Share your experience
Inspire others. Write to us about your projects or experiences with sustainable purchasing at your faculty or workplace.